Trackimo プライバシーポリシー

本プライバシーポリシーは、Trackimo™製品およびアプリケーションのユーザーに適用されます。米国デラウェア州の企業であるTrackimo Inc.は、Trackimo™ブランドで販売されているアプリケーションおよび製品の開発者であり、すべての商業的権利を有しています。

Trackimo Inc(以下「当社」といいます。)は、当社のプライバシーポリシーを更新し、欧州連合の一般データ保護規則(GDPR)を含む適用されるデータ保護規則で要求される追加情報を以下のように記載しました。

  • 個人データを処理する理由

  • 個人データの処理に関する法的根拠

  • GDPRにおける欧州連合ユーザーの権利とその行使方法

  • Trackimoのデータ管理者の連絡先

  • 欧州連合におけるトラッキモのデータ保護担当者の連絡先





(a) Trackimoがお客様の電子メールアドレスを処理するのは、お客様が電子メールアドレスとパスワードを使用してアカウントにサインインするためです。この目的でお客様の電子メールアドレスを処理する法的根拠は、お客様のアカウントのセキュリティを保護するというTrackimoの正当な利益に基づくものです。

(b) Trackimoは、重要な安全情報や本プライバシーポリシーの重要な変更など、お客様のTrackimo製品、アプリまたはアカウントに関する重要な情報をお送りする目的で、お客様の電子メールアドレスを処理することもあります。ご提供いただいたお名前は、お客様のアカウントプロフィールに関連付けられ、お客様がTrackimoのウェブサイトやアプリでコメント等を投稿する際に表示されます。これらの目的のためにお客様の電子メールアドレスとお名前を処理する法的根拠は、お客様のTrackimo製品、アプリ、アカウントに関する重要な安全情報やその他の情報、または本プライバシーポリシーの重要な変更を提供すること、およびお客様に他のTrackimoユーザーと関わる機会を提供することに対するTrackimoの正当な利益です。

(c) お客様がTrackimoからマーケティング情報を受け取ることにオプトインで同意された場合、Trackimoはお客様にTrackimoの製品やアプリに関するマーケティング情報をお送りする目的で、お客様の電子メールアドレスを処理します。この目的のためにお客様の電子メールアドレスを処理する法的根拠は、お客様の同意です。お客様は、お客様のTrackimoアカウントで設定を変更することにより、または当社のマーケティングメールの下部にある配信停止リンクを通じて、いつでも同意を撤回することができます。お客様がTrackimoから受け取るマーケティングメールは、お客様がTrackimoアカウントで提供された設定、お客様のインターネットプロトコル(IP)アドレスによって示されるロケール、お客様がTrackimoアカウントに追加されたTrackimoデバイスの種類、お客様のTrackimoアカウントに含まれる購読内容に基づいています。この目的のためにデータを処理する法的根拠は、マーケティングメールの受信に同意したすべてのお客様にすべてのマーケティングメールを送信するのではなく、特定のマーケティングメールを受信するお客様を選択することにより、各特定のお客様に送信されるマーケティングメールの数を減らすというTrackimoの正当な利益にあります。

























Tracki-friends は、Trackimo デバイスの一部に搭載されている機能で、お客様が選んだ人にリンクを送り、その人がお客様のデバイスのリアルタイムの位置情報を見ることができるようになります。リンクにアクセスした人は誰でもお客様のTrackimoデバイスのリアルタイムの位置情報を見ることができますので、リンクを送信する相手を決定する際には注意が必要です。また、お客様がTrackimoデバイスの位置情報を見られたくない相手にリンクを送信しないよう、相手を信頼する必要があります。





(a) お客様の有効な同意がある場合

(b) 有効な召喚令状、法的命令、裁判所命令、法的手続き、またはその他の法的義務を遵守するため

(c) 当社の利用規約またはポリシーを実施するため

(d) 利用可能な法的救済策を追求したり、法的請求を防御したりするために必要な場合。また、Trackimoの事業、資産、株式の全部または一部の再編成、合併、売却、合弁、譲渡、移転、その他の処分(破産または類似の手続きに関連したものを含みますがこれに限定されません。)が行われる場合には、お客様の個人データを関連会社、子会社、または第三者に譲渡することがあります。ただし、個人データを譲渡するそのような事業体は、お客様に通知することなく、また適用法で要求される場合にはお客様の同意を得ることなく、本プライバシーポリシーに記載されている以外の方法でお客様の個人データを処理することは認められません。


当社はグローバルなビジネスを展開しています。当社の製品、アプリ、サービスを提供するために、お客様の個人データを他の国のTrackimoの会社に転送する必要がある場合があります。お客様がTrackimoアカウントを作成したり、アカウントプロフィールに個人データを追加したり、Trackimoアカウントにデータをアップロードしたりすると、お客様の個人データは、お客様のTrackimoデバイスごとに設定されているとおり、米国または欧州にあるTrackimoのサーバに収集・保存されます。欧州経済地域の国またはスイスに居住する個人に関する個人データは、Trackimoの欧州関連会社によって管理され、その代理としてTrackimo Inc.によって処理されます。

欧州経済地域(以下「EEA」といいます。)またはスイスのTrackimoの会社から米国のTrackimo Inc.への個人データの転送は、欧州委員会が承認したモデル契約条項に基づいて行われます。












(a) Google

Google Analyticsは、サイトの統計やユーザーの属性、興味、ウェブサイト上での行動を追跡するために使用されています。また、Google Search Consoleを使用して、ウェブサイトの訪問者がどのように当社のウェブサイトを見つけたかを理解し、検索エンジンの最適化を改善しています。この分析情報がどのように使用されるか、お客様の情報の使用をコントロールする方法、およびお客様のデータがGoogleアナリティクスで使用されるのをオプトアウトする方法について、詳細情報をご覧ください。

(b) アプリケーションのパフォーマンスモニタリング


(c) ソーシャルネットワーク




共同利用する個人情報の項目 共同利用する相手の範囲 共同利用者の利用目的 個人情報の管理責任者の氏名または肩書き











お客様が欧州経済地域の国またはスイスにお住まいの場合、当社によって収集されたお客様の個人データは、NDM Network GmbH(住所:adredd: Grafenberger Allee 277-287, 40237 Duesseldorf, Germany)のオフィス内にあるTrackimo Europeによって管理されます。


お客様が欧州経済地域およびスイス以外にお住まいの場合、当社によって収集された個人情報はTrackimo, Inc.(450 Seventh Ave NYC NY 10123)が管理しています。



お客様が欧州連合にお住まいで、処理を制限する権利または処理に異議を唱える権利の行使を希望される場合は、ドイツのTrackimo EuropeにいるTrackimoのEUデータ保護担当者に連絡するか、電子メール(でご連絡ください。お客様が欧州連合にお住まいではなく、お客様の地域の法律に基づき、処理を制限する権利または処理に異議を唱える権利があるとお考えの場合は、当社のsupportまでご連絡ください。



個人情報取扱事業者の名称 住所 個人情報取扱責任者 お問い合わせ先

Personal data that is processed when you communicate with Trackimo:

  • When you interact with our customer support representatives via email, telephone, online or in person, we collect personal data, such as your name, mailing address, phone number, email address and contact preferences; and information about the Trackimo products you own, such as their device ID and date of purchase. We also may create event logs that are useful in diagnosing product or app performance-related issues, and capture information relating to the support or service issue. To improve customer service, subject to applicable laws, we may also record and review conversations with customer support representatives, and analyze any feedback provided to us through voluntary customer surveys. With your consent, our customer support representatives may sign in to your Trackimo account, if appropriate, to help troubleshoot and resolve your issue.

PURPOSE AND LEGAL GROUND: We use this information to provide you with customer and product support and to monitor the quality and types of customer and product support we provide to our customers. The legal ground for processing this information for these purposes is Trackimo's legitimate interests in providing quality product support. The legal ground for signing in to your Trackimo account, if appropriate, to help troubleshoot and resolve your issue is consent, which you may withdraw.

Personal data that is processed when you use your Trackimo auto navigation device or app:

  • If you use a Trackimo device or app and provide your consent, then Trackimo will collect and upload from your device data such as location, speed, direction, and time and date of recording. If you provide your consent when asked, then Trackimo may also share this aggregated data with or sell this data to third parties to enhance the quality of the traffic, parking and other features enabled by content providers.

  • This data is aggregated with data from other consenting users and is used to enhance the quality of our products and apps and the traffic, parking and other features enabled by Trackimo or third parties. The legal ground for processing this data for this purpose is consent, which you may withdraw at any time within the settings of your Trackimo device or app.

Personal data that is processed when you purchase a product on a Trackimo website:

If you purchase a product on a Trackimo website, then Trackimo will collect your name, mailing address and telephone number. We do not view or store your payment card information a third party, BrainTree, processes customer payment card details. Their privacy policy can be seen here


  • We collect your name, mailing address and telephone number so we can process your order and fulfill your purchase. The legal ground for processing your name, mailing address and telephone number for these purposes is performance of a contract. We also process your personal data as part of our fraud detection processes. The legal ground for processing your personal data for that purpose is our legitimate interest in protecting Trackimo and our customers from attempts to engage in fraudulent transactions.

Categories of Recipients of Personal Data

Your Tracki-friends invitees:

Tracki-friends is a feature available on some Trackimo devices that enables you to send a link to people of your choice that allows them to see the real-time location of your device. Because anyone with access to the link will be able to see the real-time location of your Trackimo device, you should use caution in determining to whom you want to send the link and be sure that you trust them to not send the link to others whom you do not want to be able to view the location of your Trackimo device.

Other service providers:

Trackimo uses cloud services from third parties to assist in sending emails. Those services track the activities associated with these emails, such as whether they were opened, whether links in the emails were clicked on, and whether purchases were made following clicks on those links. Trackimo uses this data to analyze the level of engagement with its emails. Trackimo uses third-party service providers to ship purchased products to customers and to help us better understand our customers needs.

Other disclosures:

We may disclose personal data about you to others: (a) if we have your valid consent to do so; (b) to comply with a valid subpoena, legal order, court order, legal process, or other legal obligation; (c) to enforce any of our terms and conditions or policies; or (d) as necessary to pursue available legal remedies or defend legal claims. We may also transfer your personal data to an affiliate, a subsidiary or a third party in the event of any reorganization, merger, sale, joint venture, assignment, transfer or other disposition of all or any portion of Trackimo's business, assets or stock, including, without limitation, in connection with any bankruptcy or similar proceeding, provided that any such entity that we transfer personal data to will not be permitted to process your personal data other than as described in this Privacy Policy without providing you notice and, if required by applicable laws, obtaining your consent.

Transfers of Personal Data

Trackimo is a global business. To offer our products, apps and services, we may need to transfer your personal data to other Trackimo companies in other countries. When you create a Trackimo account, add personal data in your account profile, or upload data to your Trackimo account, your personal data will be collected and stored on Trackimo servers in the United States or in Europe, as configured per your Trackimo device. Personal data regarding individuals who reside in a country in the European Economic Area or in Switzerland is controlled by Trackimo's European Affiliate and processed on its behalf by Trackimo Inc.

Any transfers of personal data from Trackimo companies in the European Economic Area ("EEA") or Switzerland to Trackimo Inc. in the United States are done pursuant to European Commission approved Model Contractual Clauses.

All Trackimo companies are required to follow the privacy practices set forth in this Privacy Statement.

Cookies and Similar Technologies


To help analyze how you and other visitors navigate Trackimo websites, and compile aggregate statistics about site usage and response rates, we, with assistance from third-party analytics service providers, collect certain information when you visit our site. This information includes IP address, geographic location of the device, browser type, browser language, date and time of your request, time(s) of your visit(s), page views and page elements (e.g., links) that you click. We may use cookies, pixel tags, web beacons, clear GIFs or other similar tools on our site or in our email messages to assist us in collecting and analyzing such information. We use this information to provide better, more relevant content on our site, to measure the effectiveness of advertisements, to identify and fix problems, and to improve your overall experience on our site. We may also engage one or more third-party service providers to provide online advertisements on our behalf. They may use a pixel tag or other similar technology to collect information about your visits to sites, and they may use that information to send you targeted advertisements. For more information regarding this practice and to opt-out of such collection and use of this information by our third-party service providers, please see

If you do not want information collected through the use of these technologies, there is a simple procedure in most browsers that allows you to automatically decline many of these technologies, or to be given the choice of declining or accepting them.

If you reside in the European Union or other jurisdiction that requires us to obtain your consent to use cookies on our sites, then you will have an opportunity to manage your cookie preferences on the sites; except that certain cookies are required to enable core site functionality, and you cannot choose to disable those cookies.

Trackimo Mobile apps:

We also collect data from users about their usage of Trackimo mobile apps. The types of analytical information that are collected include the date and time the app accesses our servers, app version, the location of the device, language setting, what information and files have been downloaded to the app, user behavior (e.g., features used, frequency of use), device state information, device model, hardware and operating system information, and information relating to how the app functions. Trackimo uses this data to improve the quality and functionality of our mobile apps, to develop and market products and features that best serve you and other users; and to help identify and fix app stability issues and other usability problems as quickly as possible.

The legal ground for processing this analytical information is our legitimate interest in understanding how our customers interact with our products, apps and websites so we can enhance the user experience and functionality of our products, apps and websites.

Here are examples of third-party providers of analytics and similar services we currently use:

  • Google: Google Analytics is used to track site statistics and user demographics, interests and behavior on websites. We also use Google Search Console to help understand how our website visitors find our website and to improve our search engine optimization. Find out more information about how this analytics information may be used, how to control the use of your information, and how to opt-out of having your data used by Google Analytics.

Application Performance Monitoring: Trackimo uses various software tools to analyze and monitor the performance of our complex ecosystem. To provide such services, our app receives basic request information, including IP address, necessary to detect and diagnose anomalous errors and response times.

Social Networks: Third-party social networks that provide interactive plug-ins or social networking features (e.g., to allow you to connect to Facebook or Google to find friends to add as connections or to "Like" a page) on Trackimo websites or mobile apps, may use cookies or other methods (e.g., web beacons) to gather information regarding your use of our websites and apps. The use of such information by a third party depends on the privacy policy available on that social network's website, which we encourage you to carefully review. Such third parties may use these cookies or other tracking methods for their own purposes by relating information about your use of our site with any of your Personal Information that they may have. We may also obtain analytics information from social networks that help us measure the effectiveness of our content and advertisements on social networks (e.g., impressions and clicks).

Children The Trackimo device is not intended to be purchased by anyone under the age of 13 years old. When a parent and or legal guardian purchases a device for use by a child and to locate a child the parent is acknowledging that any personal information transmitted to Trackimo is solely the parents and not that of a child under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect personal information from children under 13 years of age. We do not collect personal identifying information such as name, address, zip code from anyone and there is no place in our interfaces with the public to collect such info. If we learn that we have collected personal information from a child under age 13, we will delete that information as quickly as possible. If for some reason you believe that we might have any information from a child under age 13, please contact us through support

Privacy Policy Updates We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time as we add new products and apps, as we improve our current offerings and as technologies and laws change. You can determine when this Privacy Policy was last revised by referring to the "Last updated" legend at the top of this page. Any changes will become effective upon our posting of the revised Privacy Policy.

We will provide notice to you if these changes are material and, where required by applicable law, we will obtain your consent. This notice will be provided by email or by posting notice of the changes on the Trackimo websites and apps that link to this Privacy Policy.

Retention of Personal Data We will retain your personal data as long as your Trackimo account is considered to be active. In addition, see below under "Your Rights" for a description of your right of erasure.

Data Controller and Data Protection Officer If you reside in a country in the European Economic Area or in Switzerland, then your personal data collected by Trackimo is controlled by Trackimo Europe, which is located within the offices of NDM Network GmbH, at addredd: Grafenberger Allee 277-287 , 40237 Duesseldorf, Germany.

Trackimo's EU Data Protection Officer is located at the same address and can also be reached by email at

If you reside outside of the European Economic Area and Switzerland, then the personal data collected by Trackimo is controlled by Trackimo, Inc., 450 Seventh Ave NYC NY 10123 which you can also contact us here

If you reside in the European Union, you have the right under the General Data Protection Regulation to request from Trackimo access to and rectification or erasure of your personal data, data portability, restriction of processing of your personal data, the right to object to processing of your personal data, and the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority. If you reside outside of the European Union, you may have similar rights under your local laws.

To request access to or rectification, portability or erasure of your personal data, or to delete your Trackimo account, write your request by email to support and make sure to include all the details about your Trackimo account such as the log-in email and the device ID(s) of your Trackimo devices.

If you live in the European Union and you wish to exercise your right to restriction of processing or your right to object to processing, contact Trackimo's EU Data Protection Officer at Trackimo Europe in Germany or by email at If you do not live in the European Union but you believe you have a right to restriction of processing or a right to object to processing under your local laws, please contact Trackimo, Inc. at support .